Sunday, December 12, 2010

Green Caravan is Now Completely Naked!!

It has been a hectic week at GC HQ and by the end of it we have ended up completely nudie - That's right - nudie!

You see, when Green Caravan was first establised, our dream was to create a green buying group that could access eco products at wholesale prices. At first we were missing a few key elements to make this possible, but thanks to the support and involvement of our beautiful customers, we have finally reached our goal.

Green Caravan has re-structured for the new year and with that comes peeling off the layers we no longer require. Green Caravan will still operate on a volunteer basis, but you'll find our membership fee very wallet-friendly with a Casual ($5) or Annual ($79) Membership option.

Our new structure entitles members to purchase eco products direct from our suppliers on a fortnightly buying cycle... This means savings of up to 50% or even more.Find new info on our website (see How It Works) and our new products & prices will be released in early January 2011.

More details to come!!

GC x

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