Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our New Brand Spanker ONLINE SHOP Is Now Active!!

We're so excited, and we just can't hide it....

Many new products still to come but stop by and check it out here.
Enter your Member code to purchase at the discounted prices. If you don't have a code, go to JOIN NOW and get Membered!!

We'd also like to share other exciting changes for GC in 2011...

  • Membership now just $5 per month
  • Our beautiful new postage rates  - Who can resist!!
More products added daily, so keep your eyes peeled!

Our Weekly E-Zine is now sent each Fri, giving you wonderful tasty recipe and eco ideas for the weekends! 

Until next week,

GC xo

P.S We will be unveiling our newest GC counterparts shortly!!

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